With the release of his single ‘Enough Is Enough,’ Kowaluk may have finally found the voice he’s been searching for. The Paul Westerberg-esque indie pop guitar riff—catchy and infectious—had been in his arsenal since the days of ‘Love Can Set Us Free,’ waiting for him to crack the code behind the timeless adage, ‘enough is enough.’
“For me, as a songwriter, the question Enough is Enough kept asking me was ‘how does this song end’ ? That questioning made me want to evolve this song somehow, find a brighter ending, hope for new beginning, a higher version of myself. I wanted to be a better human somehow, & hopefully in the process a better songwriter… There’s really not much traditional about this song. It starts with a chorus, and generally songs don’t start with a chorus, It questions the rules and at the same time asks what is important about being human in this ever-changing world of ours. It’s a protest song!”

Kowaluk enlisted the production support of local Vancouver electronic music legend Dave King of longwalkshortdock. “I met Dave King in the hallway of the studio I had been renting a couple nights a week over the last year or so. We hit it off pretty well and he like some of my original songs and kept saying he was willing to put a song of mine together as a producer sometime. I was like ya sure that sounds great. He suggested recording Enough is Enough which at the time wasn’t a complete song and he gets full credit and major kudos for lighting a fire under my ass to finish the song. Kowaluk believes working with consciousness and meditation are major factors in his songwriting process.
Of the changing music scene, Kowaluk notes, “There are so many opportunities for exposure if you are willing to do the work. You don’t really know what the possibilities are, kind of like consciousness. “Anything’s possible”